Saturday, May 29, 2010

The role of portraits in the early days of photography and portraits today

The main similarity of portraints in the early days of photography and portraits today is to record a significant and pleasant moment for people. People are likely to take a photo with their families and friends in a special day, for example, most of people will take a lot of photos during their wedding party, birthday party or graduation ceremony. Sometimes, when we are traveling to a new city, we will probably take some photos to record it, or when we see an imposing building, a beautiful lady or a great scenery, we want to take photos with them, it doesn't change no matter in the early days or today.
As time goes on, current photographs change a lot from the early days'. Quality and clarity of photographs are most obvious. In the past, because of the elementary equipment, the colour of photos can just show black and white, moreover, comparing to the photographs in today, it is more difficult to catch the details in the past photos since the graininess. In addiction, taking photos is not provided for everybody in the past, most of people can not support the high price for a photo.
Today, with the development of technology, photographs are growing as well, taking photos are becoming a common entertainment. Most of people are using digital cameras now, so people are able to check their photos once they are taken, sometimes, if they are not so satisfied with the photos, they can just delet them immediately or they can fix the flaws after that. Because the price of cameras become much lower, many people have their own cameras now, so they are able to take photos whenever they want.
Though portraits in the early days of photography and portraits today have many differences, they contain a few similarities in some ways.

Black-and White

This is a historical photo, though it is black-and-white , it looks nice. The photo shows a whole family were traveling and sightseeing in outside, they were sitting on the wooden car, all of them were dressing gorgeous, showing a peace and pleasant smile. Four horses were tied by strings,and they were walking and pulling in front of the people. Old photographs always can reappear the unique view of our past, they can record a significant moment in the past.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

raining outside

The left picture tells us a little girl staying in front of the window and watching the raining outside. While the rain droping down on the road and the window, it cleans the dust away; also, it may realease people's stress, purify our mind. Through the left one, the girl seems relaxed and comfortable when she watching the rain, listening the pitter-pitter and being absorbed in meditation. For the right one, the photo is taken by Ingz, it shows the rain stays on the leaves of the flower, it looks like that the rain is part of the plant because they are combining together perfectly. Raining is beautiful, both outdoor and our heart become clearer after raining.

Photograpy changes what we remember

I am getting more interested in photography after i took this course, and i learned a lot through reading the stories. i really believe that photography can change our memory. As time goes on, our memory will probably become weaker and weaker, even though we can try to record some important events by using words, it is really difficult to present them exactly correct. It is easier for people to remember how a person or a place looks when they look at the photo instead of reading hundreds of words. Therefore, only when photography is created, can our memories stay longer and clearer. If we take photos in our wedding party or birthday party,we will never forget this special moment in our life. Photos can always remind our memory, it seems that our experiences are reappearing in our mind while we are looking at the photos from previously to currently, and i really enjoy these feelings.

Let us enjoy ourselves

Hi, everybody
I am happy to share my pictures with all of you.
GL on your assignments.