Friday, August 6, 2010

Robert Adams and Mark Klett

As you can see, the first five photographs were shot by Robert Adams, and the next three images were shot by Mark Klett. There are lots of similarities between them .All of these photographs are black-and-white, and they show the landscapes of the American West. They are pictures based on the real world and our souls, though the photographs, we can see that all these photos focus on the wilderness preserves and try to eliminate the signs of human presence. Their images represent the frontier between the human and natural worlds, showing us that human destruction has affected seriously to the land. Furthermore, both of their work represents a position of hope, refusing to abandon the belief that individuals can still respond to traditional images in fresh, individual ways.

They take photographs in the most self-effacing ways. They hope people are able to understand how important our nature is; therefore, their work seeks to ask us to notice the remarkable gifts we've been given, to see the mess we've made of them, to consider the serious result will be generated, then to stop the destruction on our landscape as nature landscape is so significant for human living, once it has been destroyed or polluted, it is hard to restore. Looking the photos above, we can see that advocate to pretect our nature landscape becomes one of the missions for Robert Adams and Mark Klett. Without a doubt, it is not a simple set of requests, and Adams and Klett also knows that he may suffer some criticism or defensiveness by asking such questions directly; therefore, Adams and Klett apply a visual and tactful way to spread the ideas for us modestly.

Both Robert Adams' and Mark Klett's pictures are not designed to be overtly political, but they are capable of reorganizing the way we perceive the world, photographs are the tools for them to express their feelings about photography. Obviously, Robert Adams and Mark Klett are good and special photographers, and I feel that their photographs are really wonderful, it contains lots of imformation within them, we can recognize the effect that we made on our landscape after viewing these photos, and we may aware that we are responsible to stop destroying our nature landscape; on the contrary, we should try our best to pretect it.

Viewing the phots above, we can find out that Adams' photos influenced Klett a lot, they both focused on the American landscape, but Adams is the one who contributed on shotting the landscape of the American earlier than Klett, and we know that most of Klett's documentary photographs reveal the diversity of the land of the Southwestern United States, in addition, their capture objects and angle are similar; moreover, both of them express the same statement through their images: ask people prevent the nature landscape from being destroyed. However, Mark Klett's photographs get some development by comparing to Adams', they are more innovative than Adams', his photos refered to the idea about time, for example, the "second view" and the "third view" that were shot by Klett, they displayed how the scene changed as the time pass on. In short, Mark Klett's photographs contain some features from Robert Adams, and he adds some other special factors by himself, we can say that Klett's photographs are extensions of Adams', so their photos look similar but a little bit different.