Saturday, June 12, 2010

Edit a photo

I was using Adobe Photoshop CS5 to edit my photo ,base on its’ essential functions,I was thinking to combine some photos together and make some changes as well. My concept is make it looks more than real, which means I will manipulate it looks like a living photo shooting by myself instead of a fixed perfect picture, meanwhile, I would like my photo to be unique, and I hope people will feel touching after looking my photo. Firstly, I found two original pictures about beach on line, the one which shows some trees will become the background, and the second one shows a heart is my other material, I would insert the heart into the first picture, then I would like to copy one more beside it in order to make it feels more romantic, the beach is filling with love at this time. Next, I put my friend’s photo that I took one year ago in it as well, it seems they are holding the wedding party on the beach, they are standing in front of the hearts and turning around to look at it, and they are surprised and pleasure at this time. Without a doubt, many people think church should be a first choice to hold a wedding party because they think marriage is a sacred event. However, the reason I choose to put these three photos together is because beach is a comfortable and romantic place for lovers, the silver sand and blue water always make people feel relax. In addition, wedding party is a significant event for couples; they want to have a sweet and meaningful memory at their special moment. Compare to the traditional custom, whatever the couples prefer is more important, so the beach is more suitable to be the background What’s more, I change the brightness and colour, comparing to the originals’, the edited one shows much darker, and the colour turns to red. Generally, people will hold their wedding party with their families and friends in the morning, but back to my concept, I would like to build a special and romantic scene, basically, from my point of view, the caliginous colour of sky represent a romantic feeling. Furthermore, after the photo changes to darker, viewers will probably pay much more attention to the new couple other than these beautiful surroundings. In addition, I change the background colour to red because I believe the colour of red stands for good luck; it may bring happiness to new couples. Base on these points, I adjust the brightness and the colour to become darker. Finally, I hope the photo can show the effect of the evening, that is why I have to remove the light clouds. So far, I have finished editing, and I hope you will like it.

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