Saturday, July 31, 2010

Alterations in journalistic photography

Journalistic photography is a special tool to help journalists to tell news stories. It is not ethical or acceptable to alter press photographs even the photos that have been modified will become more aesthetic. The prime responsibility for a photojournalist is to disclose the real information to the public. A photojournalist is not permitted to conceal or change the content during the postprocessing, except the colour, journalistic photography must based on the actual and reliable fact and events. With the development of the digital technology, photographs can be altered easily, but there are some negative impacts of photo alterations on journalistic photography. Firstly, once a press photo is altered, its news value will be greatly reduced, or even disappear completely. Press photographs are important proofs for news events, they represent a fact at a special moment, so they have to keep their original looks; otherwise, audiences can not realize weather the photos are reliable or not. Secondly, audiences may be misled while they are looking the photograph that has been modified. It seems that the photographers are lying to audiences by publishing the altered photos. As a photojournalist, he or she is responsible to let audiences know the truth, and it is not allowed to alter the press photographs randomly, which is against the code of ethics. For example, if a photo that shows the scene in the battlefield has been altered or added some desirable features, it will affect a lot, audience can not recognize the real situation at that moment.In short, i insist that press photos are not acceptable to alter.

These two photos show how Reddicliffe looks before and after being altered. Compared to the original photo that lies on the left, the right one shows that Reddicliffe's teeth has been yellowed, dark circles have been added under his eyes; also, his hairline has been moved back. After these alternations, the appearance of Reddicliffe has been changed.

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